
February 25, 2013

Planning Machine

planar machine used in machine manufacturing workshop banner

It is used to perform almost the same operations as are done on a shaper but jobs of comparatively larger size are machined on the planner. 

Grinding Machine

grinding machine used in manufacturing workshop for giving finishing banner

Grinding machine is used to finish the work pieces. Like other machining processes, grinding is also a process of removing metal, but during grinding process comparatively very small volume of metal is removed to bring the work piece to good finishing size. 

Milling Machine

milling machine in machine manufacturing workshop banner

A machine tools which is used for producing flat or profiled surface, grooves or slots with the help of revolving multiple tooth cutter is known as milling machine. Milling machine occupies a place opposite to lathe.

Shaper Machine

shaper machine used for planning surface of metal in machine manufacturing workshop

Shaper is a versatile machine which is primarily intended for producing flat surfaces. These surfaces may be horizontal, vertical or inclined. This machine involves the use of single point cutting tool held in a properly designed tool box mounted on a reciprocating ram.

Lathe Machine

lathe machine in machine manufacturing workshop banner

A lathe is a powered mechanical device in which the work is held and rotated against a suitable cutting tool for producing cylindrical forms in the metal, wood or any other suitable machinable material.

Machine Shop

Machine manufacturing workshop used in machines shop

The shop where most of the work is performed on different machines is called machine shop. In Machine shop, the raw material is cut, machined, formed or shaped with the help of machines. Different machines used in machine shop are:

1. Lathe machine
2. Shaper
3. Milling machine
4. Planning machine
5. Drilling machine
6. Grinding machine
7. Threading machine

Sheet metal machines and joints


For production and heavier works, machines are used to carry out different sheet metal operations. Some commonly used machines in sheet metal shop are:

rolling and sheet bending machine used in sheet metal working machine in manufacturing workshop of metal sheet

Pattern Making and Allowances

pattern making in foundry manufacturing workshop

Pattern is an mirror image of the casting, when it is used with suitable moulding material it forms a cavity called as mould. 
When this cavity is filled by molten metal and after solidification we get the desired casting. 

Foundry Shop and tools

foundry manufacturing workshop with respect to sand and metals

The place where jobs are prepared by melting and pouring the molten metal into moulds is known as foundry

Forging (Smithy) Shop

forging or smithy manufacturing workshop

The process of giving a desired shape to metal piece by heating and hammering is known as forging. The metal piece is heated up to a desired temperature known as forging temperature. 

February 15, 2013

Electric Arc Welding

electric AC/DC arc welding used in manufacturing workshop

The welding in which the electric arc is produced to give heat for the purpose of joining two surfaces is called Electric arc welding.

Gas Arc welding

gas arc welding in welding manufacturing workshop

Gas welding is the process in which a gas flame is used to raise the temperature of the metal to be joined. The metals are heated up to melting. The metal flows and on cooling it solidifies. A filler metal may be added to the flowing molten metal to fill up cavity made during the end preparation. Many combination of gases are used in Gas welding. But most common of these in oxygen and acetylene.

Welding Techniques

Forge welding: 

forge (smithy) welding technique in manufacturing workshop

This welding is done by the black-smiths. In this two similar metal pieces are heated upto the plastic stage in the furnace. Then it is hammered so that a homogenous mixture is formed at the joint. The surface to be joined should be cleaned and made free from any foreign particle this is done by brushing.

Welding Shop

welding manufacturing workshop banner

Welding is a process of joining two materials with the help of heat or pressure or by some other means. The cost of welding is very less as compared to other processes and forms a strong joint. 

Fitting Shop

fitting workshop and its features banner

Fitting work is a very important work in engineering. In fitting shop unwanted material is removed with the help of hand tools. It is done for mating, repair and manufacturing purposes. The person working in the fitting shop is called a fitter. A fitter should have the complete knowledge of the tools used in the shop. Commonly used tools are hacksaw, files, chisels etc.

Wood working Machines

wood working machines in carpentry shop

In modern workshops, wood working machines are used instead of hand tools. Machines have following advantages over the hand tools:
1. More production.
2. Less fatigue to workers.
3. Saving in time.
4. More accuracy.

Defects in wood

defects in wood due to any of the reasons

The common defects occurring in the wood and it can be divided as:
1. Defects which are caused in the tree due to abnormality in the growth.
2. Defects are also caused during seasoning operation.
3. Some defects are also there due to termites or insects.

Seasoning of wood

seasoning of wood banner or mechanical method

The process of removing moisture from freshly cut down trees is known as seasoning.