
January 20, 2013

Structure of C-program

Structure of C basic program with proper explanation


It consists set of comments giving the name of the program, the inputs required by program and output that will be generated by computer. It can also contain other information about program such programmer name, date and time of creation.


It provides instruction to the computer to link with various header files. The header file is a file that contains various inbuilt functions that can be used in the program.


It defines different symbolic constants.


There are some variables that have to be used in more than one functions such variables are global variables and they are declared in this section.


Every C-program contains one main function. Declaration which consists of definition of all the variables and the executable part which contains various statements that are to be executed. It also consist a sub-program section in this definition of all the user defined function are included. For execution in Turbo C (Most applied compiler)

compiling and execution procedure in Turbo C and C++

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