
January 19, 2013

Assembly Language

microsoft assembly language

In this language programming the binary operation codes were replaced by mnemonics (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV) and α-numeric characters were used to represent address of memory location where operands are stored or lying. 
Assembly Language, in computer science, a type of low-level computer programming language in which each statement corresponds directly to a single machine instruction. Assembly languages are thus specific to a given processor. After writing an assembly language program, the programmer must use the assembler specific to the microprocessor to translate the assembly language into machine code. Assembly language provides precise control of the computer, but assembly language programs written for one type of computer must be rewritten to operate on another type. Assembly language might be used instead of a high-level language for any of three major reasons: speed, control, and preference. Programs written in assembly language usually run faster than those generated by a compiler; use of assembly language lets a programmer interact directly with the hardware (processor, memory, display, and input/output ports). 

1. It is comparatively easier to learn and write program on this language.
2. Comparatively easier to debug and modify the program.

1. Program is still machine dependent.
2. A program in this language has first to translated to corresponding machine language program and only then it can be executed by the computer.
So, it takes more time to execute an assembly language program.

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